Thursday, August 20, 2009

A new MOPS year....

It is hard to believe another summer is coming to an end and autumn is just around the corner! For some MOPS moms, this means older children heading back to school, while other moms may have a child venturing off to school for the first time. Some MOPS moms are readily preparing a new year of homeschooling for their little ones, or perhaps feel led to start homeschooling this year. Many MOPS moms are looking forward to new "firsts" with newborns, toddlers, or preschoolers bringing life to their homes. Whichever boat you find yourself in, it is safe to say summer is coming to a close, and new autumn adventure is ahead.......

Here is some information about the MOPS new year:

First MOPS meeting? Thursday, September 17

Time? 9:30 - 11:30

Dues? MOPS Membership is $25 fall $20 spring

Childcare? Childcare is available for your little ones while moms get to fellowship together through our Moppets volunteers (thank you volunteers!!)

The 2009-10 MOPS Steering Committee:

Coordinator: Debra Jennings

Co-coordinator: Shelly Atwood

PR: Sandy Arnett

Hospitality: Jari Dennis & Faith Hurt

Finance: Stacy Mitchell

Creative Activities: Echo Gregory

Discussion Group Leader: Julie Lutzky

Outreach: Amy Tate

Mentor Moms: Ginny Thomas, Mary Roberson, Lou Dawson, Rosalie

Moppets: Tricia Durand


We hope to see you in a few weeks at the first MOPS meeting of an exciting year!